Pros and Cons of Bicycle and Car


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Bicycle or Car? Don’t we have the answer already? Yes?

Yup, we all know the difference between a car and a bicycle. But do we know how riding one of these has a great impact on you as well as your environment?

Both bicycles and cars have advantages and disadvantages. It depends on you which you choose and why you choose.


Bicycle is taken as the most environmentally friendly mode of transportation. Let’s get into its advantages directly.

Pros of Bicycle

Healthy mode of transportation and exercise

  • In a study, it has been shown that cycling reduces stress levels by up to 40% as a result it helps one to reduce anxiety and thus improves mental health.
  • It reduces anxiety it helps one to sleep better at night
  • Cycling reduces the chances of cardiovascular (heart) diseases. One study found that regular cycling can lower the rate of having heart problems up to 50% while another study says people who ride 20 miles per week have half the heart disease risk than people who don’t.
  • It boosts your brainpower. A 2013 study found that during exercise, cyclists’ blood flow in the brain increase by 28%, and up to 70% in specific areas. Not only that but also even after exercise, in some areas blood flow remains up by 40%. And it reduces the chances of dementia in our later life.
  • Cycling is a great way to help increase blood return from the lower body, reducing swelling and foot pain because it uses up glucose in your muscle cell. Thus it helps people with diabetes regulate their blood sugar and, control diabetes.
  • Studies have shown that cycling in particular as one of the best sports to reduce cancer risk. Specifically, a study looked at bike commuters and found that cycling to work can reduce your chances of developing cancer by 45%.
  • Cycling is one of the best practices for lowering your blood pressure since it helps your body circulate blood from your legs back to your heart.
  • It can make you look younger reducing the signs of aging by protecting your skin from harmful UV rays found by a study from Stanford University.

On the contrary, there are a great number of hazardous impacts on health driving cars. Obesity, Diabetes, osteoporosis, and risks of losing your valuable life in car crashes.

Environmentally benefits

  • Cycling does not emit carbon gas that is responsible for climate change and global warming. Thus it helps the environment.
  • Cycling does not produce carbon dioxide as well as pollutants like nitrogen oxides and particulate soot. As a result, it helps to keep the air clean and smog-free.
  • In comparison to the car, cycle makes far less noise and that helps to keep noise pollution in balanced.
  • Car batteries produce a toxic waste that is dangerous to dispose of and can’t be recycled. Cycling does not have this environmentally risky issue.
  • Cars leak motor oil, brake fluid, and antifreeze that pollutes our water but the bicycle doesn’t have these issues.
  • When you choose to ride a bicycle than to driving then you won’t idling in traffic and suck up your gas.

Economically saving

  • Bicycles do not require gas like cars. So, it saves your hard-earned money.
  • A bicycle is far cheaper than a car.
  • Parking bike far cheaper than a car and in most cases it almost free.
  • Bicycles are far less cheap to fix than cars. Even easy to learn to fix and do it by yourself.
  • Bicycles are far less damaging than cars for the roads.

Since cycling is far healthier than driving cars, it saves money.


  • More prone to accident
  • Cyclist usually breaks rules
  • Not safe to ride in Busy cities
  • Not suitable to travel long distances in a short time
  • Most of the roads don’t have cycle lane and just designed for cars
  • Bike lanes narrow the roads by gridlines
  • There is always a conflict between car drivers and bicycle riders
  • Can be stolen easily


Car is the most common and modern form of transport including the best comfort. We can easily travel in a short time and long distances by bus or car.

Pros of Car

  • Most comfortable mode of transportation
  • Time-saving except for jampacked roads
  • A full family can fit into a car while traveling together
  • Faster in traveling than cars
  • Can travel much further than you can cover by a bike
  • New modern electric cars are the alternative to Oil and gasoline cars
  • Electric cars are also environmentally friendly and don’t emit any pollutant gases.
  • Buses are also very cheap to travel further.

Cons of Cars

  • Cars are never environmentally friendly
  • Cars are expensive
  • Cars need maintenance regularly
  • Cars insurance cost more
  • Have to pay for parking spaces
  • Cars also include additional taxes
  • Cars emit more pollutants like Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide than the total industrials emission.
  • Waste a lot of time in busy cities in Jams.
  • Car causes more accidents and the number of deaths than any other

Final Words

You now know all the pros and cons of a car and a bicycle. Choosing a vehicle or a means of personal transportation is a matter to consider wisely because it’s related to your mental and physical health, economy, environmental sensitivity, and well-being. Hence, considering these issues bicycle serves you best.

But if you have to travel a lot and further distances and you prefer comfort while moving then a car is for you.